Now is the time for solar Reduce your grid consumption Lower your bills Help our planet to breathe

Frequently Asked Questions

Microinverters have no single point of failure. Therefore, in the unlikely event that a microinverter should fail, the rest will continue to work resulting in minimal energy loss overall. If a string inverter fails (max lifespan 7-10 years), the entire system will stop producing energy. For this reason alone, microinverters are better than string inverters.
Batteries are expensive and the return on your investment is long-term (up to 20 years). However, if you have a hot tub and are running electric vehicles for example, then the investment return is greatly reduced thus having a battery is justifiable.
Solar panels produce more energy from direct sunlight. However, that’s not to say they do not produce energy when its overcast. They just produce less energy.
The amount of solar panels needed, depends on your current energy consumption (your electricity bill will show this). If you don’t have a hot tub and not running electric vehicles, we recommend starting with 8 solar panels which for most homes is sufficient to greatly reduce your energy consumption and your electricity bills.
The export tariff is currently very low. The more energy you can harness and not export the better. Optimising your system by adding the right amount of solar panels to accommodate your consumption is the answer. Using microinverters allows our installers to expand your system at any time, optimising the systems energy efficiency.
Absolutely. Homes that have solar installed are highly desirable, especially when energy prices are so high. Microinverters have long-term warranties (20yrs+) that can add value to your home when it comes to sell. Who doesn’t want free energy!